It's Monday again, that week goes so quickly. Last week was mostly preserving. I canned mince. I canned carrots. I canned potatoes. I did get some cards started. We ate all our meals at home, tempting though it was a couple of times to go out to eat - even getting take-away felt too hard because there would still be dishes to clean up. In the end, I looked at the meal plan on the fridge, gave everyone a job to do and dinner (and the dishes) was done. We ate silverbeet and cauliflower from the garden. I picked oranges from our trees. I picked rosemary and hung it to dry. Wayne dug out the compost heap and topped up two garden beds. Now we'll let them sit for a fortnight then they'll be ready to plant out. I didn't get any sewing done. My hands weren't co-operating; I'm hoping this week I'll get my hour a day at the sewing machine. What did you make, bake, grow and sew last week?
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October 2024