It has been very busy here in our home among the gum trees, as evidenced by the lack of MIM posts! That doesn't mean I haven't beem making, baking, sewing and growing, it just means that posting and editing photos hasn't been top of the to-do list. Last week though I managed to get a few photos as I finished things off. I don't carry my phone on me, it sits on the desk, not in my pocket, so I need to remember to pick it up to take photos. It's a phone primarily, and a tool, not an extension of my hand :) Anyway over the last few weeks I have been busy. I am using up the beautiful wools that my friend Keren gifted to me to make beanies that I am passing along to our Church welfare to add to winter hampers. I needed a new tea cosy for my tea pot, they really do make a difference to keeping the pot hot. While I was on a tea cosy roll, I added some to the present box for Christmas and birthday presents. I've been busy making cards for orders and for the retirement village. Hannah and I were in Coles on Sunday afternoon and the barbecue chickens were marked down. One was $9.60, the others were all $4.80. We scored four barbecue chickens for $24, or $6 each. We cut them all into meals, and then pulled the rest of the meat off the bones to use in curry or soup or pie filling or chicken salad, bagged it up and froze it. Then the bones were vac sealed and frozen to make stock later. The citrus trees are full of fruit! We have oranges, lemons, limes and tangerines all ripening on the trees. I have canned mince, ugly chicken and corned beef for the pantry shelves. In the garden the cabbages, cauliflower and sliverbeet are doing well. We have so many volunteer potatoes popping up, every time I turn aroudn there seems to be a new one poking through. I've been pulling parsnips and turnips (I planted the parsnips out early and they've done really well) for the soup pot.
I found 50 cent strawberries on the throw out trolley at the nursery and brought them home and soaked them in compost tea for a week before planting them out and they perked right up and are doing really well. The winter lavender is out and looking pretty under the windows. I made a triple batch of Miracle Spray. I made a quadruple batch of Cheapskates Washing Powder to refill the tin. What did you make, bake, sew and grow this week?
August 2024