Two Christmas cakes made, wrapped and in the cupboard, with fruit soaking to make two more.
All our meals except one were cooked from scratch, using ingredients in the pantry. The other was Saturday night, and AJ shouted us Indian takeaway and it was delicious, with leftovers for Sunday lunch. I defrosted the outside freezer and did a stock take. Made a list of what to thaw and can, and started with the chicken. Made breadcrumbs from the bread ends in the freezer. Darned some of Wayne's woollen work socks. I use stranded cotton to darn, it's softer on the foot, but nice and strong so it doesn't wear out. And it's easier to find than darning wool and easier than stranding wool out for darning. Most of last week was spent preparing for my Christmas craft workshop yesterday. Lots of cutting and die cutting, counting, making card bases and putting kits together, then packing the workshop in a box parcels, ready to post them off today. And then tidying up the craft room, it was a mess! I picked lots of rosemary from the garden, and there's more ready to pick. I've just been hanging it to dry, although the weather has been a bit humid, so it may take a while. I picked more rhubarb. This warm, wet weather is just what it likes and it is really taking off. A surprise when I was turning over one of the beds, a whole lot of potatoes! Some were a good size, so they're in the pantry. The rest I'll dry off and then chit to replant. What did you make, bake, grow and sew this week?
Good morning everyone. Monday sure does roll around fast. Last week was a short working week for us. We were away for four days, and it was lovely to be able to switch off and just be. Here are last week's attempts at making, baking, growing and sewing. Making I have finished the Christmas cards I send. Woo hoo! Five more happy mail cards were made and sent. I'm really happy with the way the little ornaments I made for the Christmas tree turned out, so I made more, packed them in sets and sold them at a little market stall I had, just to see if they'd sell. I made five sets of six and all five sold. Another woo hoo!, I will be adding these to our shop this week. I crocheted a market bag and three dishcloths for a gift exchange (thank you Keren for the inspiration with the market bag!). Baking
All our meals were cooked from scratch, using ingredients on hand. I finished the pantry stocktake and made a plan to restock it before the end of the year. ANZAC Slice, again. This was to take away with us, as it travels and stores well. Two Christmas cakes were made, wrapped and put away for Christmas. This week I'll do some more, and maybe a pudding if time permits. Not baking, but I made a big batch of meatball pasta bake for a pot luck dinner we attended on Saturday night. The pot was scraped clean! Growing More weeding. More renovating pots ready to replant. I cut more rhubarb, it is growing really well at the moment. I thinned the strawberries, and spread out the runners. Sewing I mended a pair of jeans and put a new waistband on a pair of track pants for AJ. I darned a hole in one of my socks. I love these socks, so I'll mend them until I can't. What did you make, bake, grow and sew last week? Good morning! I had a very, very slow start to my week. It took until Wednesday afternoon before I started to feel even slightly better, but by Friday I'd improved so much I was able to sweep and mop and clean the bathrooms. I even managed to cook dinner on Friday night, with a lot of help. Being so unwell for two weeks that I not only didn't want to do anything but just couldn't do anything, made me very grateful for the days I can do things, and for a meal plan and a freezer full of meals, and for a pantry that is stocked enough that shopping wasn't a priority. And I'm thankful for kids who didn’t mind picking up milk and bread as needed. So one of my goals for the coming week will be to stocktake and check the gaps, and then fill them. I'm feeling a need to get the pantry as stocked as it can be, right now! Since Friday I've done a few things, some needed to be done, some I just wanted to do. Here's the list. Making Worked on Christmas cards, writing them and addressing them as they were finished. Worked on the kits for the Christmas Craft Bonanza. Made some Christmas ornaments for this year's family room Christmas tree. All these things I could do sitting down, they didn’t require me to talk, and there was minimal moving around and those all combined to keep the coughing down. Baking ANZAC Slice for lunchboxes and snacks. This seems to be our current favourite morning tea snack. I've been using coconut oil instead of butter to make it (butter is so expensive) and it's working really well, still a nice moist slice that holds together, and it tastes the same to me. Soaking fruit for the Christmas cakes and puddings. I restocked the dried fruits after last year's Christmas baking, and I've been using it all year to make fruit cakes, so this lot won't be as expensive, with mixed dried fruit going up by $1/kilo. I'll start to look for cheaper dried fruit now to restock the shelf. Pizza bases for the freezer. If I'm going to do a batch, I may as well quadruple it and get some into the freezer. Beats making a mess four times, and only takes about 5 minutes longer. This time I weighed out the dough into 270g balls, double wrapped them in clingwrap and then into ziplock bags and into the freezer. We'll use these up over the next month so they will be fine like this. Growing Picked rhubarb from the garden and pickled it. We love this with cheese and crackers. Picked rosemary from the garden and put it in the oven after baking the pizzas on Thursday night. I think this will become rosemary salt. Picked lemons from the garden, zested them then juiced them. I put the lemon shells in a bowl of water and used them to clean the microwave, then they went into the dishwasher to clean and deodorise it - waste not, want not. Weeded the pots and gave them all a compost tea drink. Sewing
When I had the energy I sat at the sewing machine to get some kitchen towels and a few other things finished, some for Christmas, and some for a little market stall I have coming up. It was only a few minutes here and there before I ran out of oomph, but it all adds up to getting things done. What did you make, bake, grow and sew last week? Good morning!
Not a lot made by me for the last 10 days, but things were still done and everyone still ate. The boys took over meals. Some they cooked from scratch, some they took out of the freezer. They also took over the cleaning. It was done, and I didn't have to do it so I'm one happy mum. We had a lot of rain, good for the garden, the weeds are loving it. There are new mandarins on the tree and little peaches on the peach tree. One pear tree has teeny tiny pears on it and the other one is coming into blossom. The apple trees looked beautiful until the wind blew and it rained. The lavender out the front is looking beautiful too. Oh, and the rhubarb is growing well, even the one Lacey keeps digging up. The raspberries are all full of lovely leaves, they look alive again, after looking like dead sticks all winter. I can't wait for those berries! It's time to plant more seeds for succession planting - tomatoes, lettuce, bok choy, cabbage to keep the summer staples rolling on. No sewing last week, but the pile is growing! What did you make, bake, grow and sew last week? |
October 2024